The career opportunities for reliable and caring home care providers has never been better.

There are some specific things that experienced and better caregivers tend to look for when considering employment in a home care agency.
Due to the expected continuing rise in the need for top-quality caregivers, agencies and private citizens that need good caregivers will face more competition in finding and keeping those valued senior caregivers.
It is necessary for both private and agency home health care employers to take the appropriate steps to ensure caregiver retention.
What is a Caregiver? Who Typically Performs Caregiver Duties?
A caregiver is someone who is paid or unpaid to provide direct care and/or companionship to a care recipient.
This can be an unpaid family member, friend or a paid professional care provider.
Typically, this term will refer to caregivers who perform basic or advanced healthcare duties. However, the term can also be used in describing others involved in a person’s care plan like social workers, physical therapists, pastors, priests or other clergy members.
Many that receive hands-on care or companionship services are elderly, chronically ill or have a disability that makes it necessary for them to rely on caregivers able to meet their activities of daily living needs.
Why is Now a Fantastic Time to Consider Finding Rewarding Home Health Care Jobs?
As the larger group of Baby Boomers continues to reach the age of retirement, more senior care communities, residential care facilities and private citizens will be searching for the type of compassionate caregiver able to meet their current and future health care and companionship needs.
The pay is above minimum wage, there is job security and healthcare companies often provide free job training, flexible scheduling and other perks. While regulations regarding caregivers vary between states, some states do not require even a high school education while most prefer it.
How a Compassionate Caregiver Improves the Health and Well-Being of the Care Recipient
A caregiver that has compassion for his/her patients can help keep the patient happy while improving the person’s overall health and well-being according to senior care experts. A positive attitude, empathy and other preferred caregiver personality traits can also have a successful impact on the patient’s daily quality of life status.
Does Culture, Age, Personality Differences, Social Status & Other Social Divisions Play a Role in Caregiver & Care Recipient Expectations? Do These Differences Change the Caregiver Definition?
If your loved one doesn’t speak English or prefers their native country’s foods and other traditions, it might be best to hire someone familiar with these customs.
Some countries have more privacy expectations that can affect caregiver duties. Differences in cultural traditions, religious beliefs or gender expectations can change how the recipient of the care and the caregiver form their personal caregiver definition beliefs. These concerns should be addressed ahead-of-time.
Desired Caregiver Personality Traits to Look for When Searching for a Compassionate Caregiver Able to Improve Your Loved One’s Quality of Life
While many different types of individuals work in home health care, there are specific personality and character traits that better home care companies prefer in their employees.
These include:
- Compassionate, Demonstrates Empathy & Kind
- Attentive to Care Details
- Patient
- Positive Attitude & Sense of Humor that Laughs with Clients Not at Them
- Fun & Creative Personality & Creativity
- Reliable, Punctual & Dependable
- Good Communicator, Polite & Respectful
- Excellent Listener
- Flexible with Routine Changes
- Takes Confidentiality Seriously
- Honest & Always Trustworthy
- Professional
- Supportive & Encouraging to Clients & Family
Best Interview Questions to Ask Prospective Home Health Care Job Applicants Before Hiring
The type and wording of your interview questions when hiring a home caregiver or companion can help to ensure the right choice. Write these questions down, and be prepared to jot down some notes.
Some revealing interview questions professional home care experts recommend asking include:
- Why Did You Become a Caregiver? Applicant Answer to: What is a Caregiver?
- What Are Your Qualities and Personality Traits that Make You Suited for Caregiving Duties?
- Have You Ever Been in Trouble Legally? Will You Agree to a Background Check? Note: Agency caregivers have usually passed this background check?
- Do You Have at Least 1 Personal & 2 Work References?
- What Care Duties Are You Willing to Do? – Note: Give them a list of your specific duty requirements and additional desired ones
- Do You Have a Current Driver’s License and Insurance? What is Your Driving Record?
- Do You Have a Reliable Form of Transportation? Will You Use Your Car or Ours for Errands, Doctor Appointments?
- Are the Hours Listed Doable? What Hours/Shift/Dates Can You Work? Can You Work a Flexible Schedule?
- What Are Your Pay & Vacation/Time-Off Expectations? Would You Be Willing to Negotiate?
- Can You Find Reliable Fill-Ins When Off?
- Are You Comfortable with Other Patient Family Members/Friends, Patient Friends Coming By?
- Do You Work Weekends, Holidays or Provide Respite Care?
- Are You Insured for Work-Related Injuries? Do You Expect Health Benefits?
- Can You Sign a Contract Stating Nobody Over Unless Approved, Agreement to Not Accept Unauthorized Gifts, Start with Trial Period then Commitment Longer-Term?
- When Can You Start?
- What Are Your Other Responsibilities That Could Affect Your Work – School, Small Kids, Other Job?
- Do You Have Caregiver Education & Relevant Certifications – CPR, First-Aid, C.N.A. Certification?
- Do You Smoke or Have Lift Limitations?
Listing of Common Things Caregivers Look for in a Home Care Agency?
Most individuals that get in and stay in the home care business generally do so because they have a genuine desire to help others. However, a large number of home health care jobs are considered stressful to the caregivers. Many will leave if forced to consistently work understaffed, face abusive behaviors from other coworkers or bosses, don’t feel valued or if they are otherwise poorly treated.
Common things caregivers are looking for in a home care agency include:
- Warm, Friendly & Pleasant Working Environment
- Clarity of Job Duties & Adequate Job Training
- Reasonable Duty & Scheduling Expectations
- Better Pay & Good Health and/or Other Benefits
- Career-Advancement Educational Opportunities & Fair Career Ladder Steps
- Being Appreciated & Valued as a Respected Team Member
Tips for Home Care Agencies Regarding Improving Caregiver Retention
Caregivers look for supportive, positive and friendly work environments. There are several things that home health care providers can do to attract and retain better caregivers.
Top home health care providers strive to include their hands-on caregivers in the company’s care-related decisions. Providing ample orientation training, ongoing educational opportunities, starting a mentor program, rewarding employees and showing them appreciation by verbal praise and other incentives can keep caregivers happy and satisfied at their jobs.
Consider hiring new-to-the-field caregivers. Many are excellent natural caregivers, are often loyal and learn easily. Many caregivers remain at their first job for years or even their entire career.
These small caregiver incentives can dramatically cut-down on caregiver turnover rates. Visit online anytime.