Many in the healthcare community are sold on the idea of a helpful app for senior care. A senior citizen being cared for at home will often need assistance in making and keeping appointments and other memory tasks.
Many apps can help the typical senior citizen to stay organized by creating a step-by-step to do list or an easy checklist to help keep track of important information.
Some of the best apps for home care providers are:
1. CareZone
CareZone is a terrific health information organizer designed for professional or family caregivers. Families and friends can stay connected, and caregivers can use the incredible app to easily keep track of ID’s/insurance cards, organize medications and list allergies all in one small and convenient location.
There is a handy task list, place for observations and notes and a spot for medication logging which includes important pharmacy numbers, medication dosing instructions and each medication prescribing physician data.
This absolutely free app offers a secure location to store sensitive personal healthcare & medication details, plus it’s easy to share this stored data with family members no-matter-their-age.
Caregivers can invite other family members and close friends to become active participants in care treatment plans, care conversations and view pertinent patient information.
There’s an easy-to-use place to upload photos, and family caregivers can use this safe/secure app to send personal voice recorded messages to up to an astonishing 100 family, friend or healthcare team recipients at one time. How convenient is that?
2. AARP Caregiving
AARP Caregiving is another great app from one of the most recognizable names in the elder care. It is revolutionizing the way that family caregivers provide care for their aging family member.
An app for senior care like Caring Bridges arms caregivers with the power of practical healthcare information right at-their-fingertips. Featuring places to keep organized track of all medications, appointments and other important care details, this app also includes a useful help center where caretaker vs caregiver can find valuable answers to common questions regarding senior care.
This device can be used to coordinate caregiver schedules and can accurately track patient symptoms.
3. Elder 411
This ingenious app holds over 500 bits of caregiver information and expert advice in one all-inclusive guide covering many areas of elderly care. Some examples include details on effective communication, mobility, adaptive equipment information, finding elderly housing and senior safety tips.
Elder 411 was created by a famous geriatric doctor, and it gives caregivers essential care information fast. There are helpful included audio elder care tips and video caregiver teaching lectures well-suited for new employees. A fantastic tool for families of home care patients too.
4. Boomr
This nifty app allows a home care business owner to accurately track employees hours worked, overtime pay, time-off accounting and owed earnings. This free management app can be used to assign tasks, make an employee checklist, create an organized to do list and to download software reminders to ensure that staff members are really keeping appointments.
Even pictures can be uploaded and sent to ensure the care duties were actually completed correctly. There are additional automated timed reminders bosses can set so the staff works efficiently and stays on schedule making your business more cost-effective just by using this stellar free management app.
5. First Aid by American Red Cros
Any medical emergency can be a trying experience for caregivers. Remembering everything you were taught to do in emergency situations can fail. This app holds those important basic care measures like CPR and clearly detailed first-aid steps close-at-hand and ready when needed.
First Aid by American Red Cross ensures caregivers will be better prepared during an emergency. Another helpful feature identifies likely health conditions by a simple symptom decoding method. This is phenomenal for caregivers noting physical symptoms in their non-verbal or confused patients.
6. CaringBridge
Effective and real time responsive communication is imperative when the caregiving tasks are divvied up among several different individuals. The Caring Bridges app is a clever device that allows a number of people to connect through the technology of one app.
Several caregivers in different locations can keep real time track of essential care information like appointments and make it simpler to assign tasks. Encouraging messages and motivational challenges can be sent through this team connecting aid.
This must-have caregiver app is useful for family caregivers to connect with other members of the healthcare team and for keeping family members and others updated. Definitely worth trying.
7. iPharmacy Pro
iPharmacy Pro gives caregivers a quick way to identify unknown medications by typing in a pill’s imprint markings, shape or color. The app can also track multiple prescriptions and verify that there are not any potential drug interactions.
This is a wonderful way to ensure that a caregiver or medication tech are giving their patients the right medications for the correct time and at the correct dosage. Many family caregivers welcome this ingenious method of safer medication administration.
8. Medscape
Medscape is a leading care healthcare app designed especially for professionals. Various doctors and other community team members can communicate with each other for patient care updates, medical advice and more.
This app features fast clinical information, and more than a thousand clinical procedures are available on video making it ideal for use as a new caregiver teaching tool and resource.
9. Lotsa Helping Hands
Lotsa Helping Hands is another creative caregiving app that helps families to build a supportive community of care that can surround the family caregiver and their elder loved one.
Invite family members, close friends, volunteers and care aides to join the nurturing community. This app features an interactive calendar where individuals can manage everything from doctor appointments, fun family get-together events, necessary errands and other details.
The “Helping Hands” section works as a group message board. Caregivers, friends and family members can post encouraging notes to the care recipient, their families and others in the group.
This neat app also allows the caregiver to select a group coordinator and a community member page where everyone’s contact information, birthdays, and listing of preferred phone call times.
A nice resource for building a supportive and encouraging care community. Users have immediate access to real personal support, tips and stories regarding other caretaker vs caregiver experiences and an interesting newsletter.
10. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Buddy
The Alzheimer’s Association, a trusted source of information on this complex and progressive disease affecting cognitive function, has developed this “caregiver buddy” app in order to assist family and professional caregivers in time management skills.
This innovative technological tool helps caregivers navigate stressful family conflicts, gives contact capabilities to a helpline available 24/7 and guides caregivers of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients to better monitor and manage their own personal stress levels.
Caregivers can access creative care tips each day that can be used at meal times and during personal hygiene care. Learn fun and engaging senior activities to keep an Alzheimer’s and dementia patients’ mind stimulated for better memory retention. The app also explains how to effectively cope with new and often frightening behaviors like overwhelming hallucinations or unprovoked aggression.
Some of the best apps help patients or their caregivers in keeping appointments, accessing medication tech information and providing software reminders of medication times and other timed events.
Innovative apps for caregivers are making work easier and more efficient.
Learn more via https://www.inHomecare.com.