The Complete Guide to Elder Care Planning & Family Meetings
Most families create plans in order to achieve important goals throughout their lifetimes. Significant effort is often put into planning for homeownership, kids’ college educations, and saving for retirement. However, the vast majority of families do not put the same effort into planning for a loved one’s future elder care needs. In fact, most families […]
Signs of Elder Abuse & What You Can Do to Help
According the National Council on Aging (NCOA), 6 out of 10 elders, defined as anyone 60 and over, have experienced some form of abuse. The World Health Organization estimates an even higher number. Studies cited by the NCOA, find that victims of elder abuse are more likely to die prematurely than other older adults. To […]
Nursing Interventions for Home Care
Learn more about how you can help your loved ones with in-home care. Interventions save lives. Nurse intervention is considered the backbone of home care. The term "nursing intervention" describes any type of action a nurse performs to improve their patients' comfort and overall health. Those who are considering the advancement [...]
Stimulating Activities for Dementia Patients | Top 10 Dementia Activities
Did you know: Patients with dementia disease commonly withdraw from activities they once loved and spending time with friends and family. These dementia patients must maintain their interests and relationships because it has been shown to reduce the effects that dementia causes, such as memory problems or cognitive impairment. By participating in hobbies and [...]
What’s the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?
Many people are confused about the differences between Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, as both are related to memory disorders and age-related memory loss. Many people believe the two mean the same thing – they're often assumed to be synonymous. However, the two words mean two different things. Dementia is a general term for the progressive [...]
Breast Cancer in Seniors | Breast Cancer Treatment in the Elderly
Breast cancer in seniors is a highly potent disease that will only be eradicated if women follow the recommended regular mammogram schedule - this is critically important, as 98% of breast cancer is successfully treated when detected early. On that same note, it’s important to remember that breast cancer risk increases significantly with age, and [...]
Identity Theft Protection for Seniors | Senior Identity Theft
Learn more about how you can help your loved ones with in home care. Regardless of age, we are all at risk of becoming a victim of identity theft - but senior citizens are at a particularly higher risk. According to the U.S. Senate’s Special Committee on Aging, older Americans lose $3 billion dollars a year [...]
Postmenopausal Symptoms & What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
So… What is Postmenopause? Most people know what menopause is, and what you can expect during it. However, not much is said about what happens after menopause. Once a woman's reproductive years have come to an end, and menopause is complete, she enters a phase which is known as postmenopause. In this article, we will [...]
How to Store Old Photos
Family photographs are irreplaceable. Photographs are an incredible way to help preserve your family's memories and create a visual family history for generations to come. Family photos represent decades of history and memories through visual aid. It would be devastating to love these keepsakes due to improper storage or wear and tear from being [...]